Let me help!

Keynote speeches, media appearances, patient expert interviews, retail/customer service consultations, freelance writing opportunities, guest blogging, and more!

Want to book me for an appearance or interview? Fill out my website contact form here. Not sure you’re ready to reach out? Check out a sampling of my experience below.

My particular set of skills and expertise is pretty hard to come by (in fact, I don’t know anyone with my background!), and I love any opportunity I have to share what I’ve learned in my personal life and career. My 15+ years as a patient advocate/health essayist paired with my decade-plus of firsthand knowledge of retail and customer service positions me as someone who can help both individuals and large organizations.

Thankfully, I have the ability to keep my wits about me and, when necessary, improvise at half a moment’s notice. (In another life, I was going to be an actor. While I no longer perform in plays, I retained the abilities to feel very comfortable in front of a crowd and to think on my feet. These are especially helpful traits in my speaking gigs, panel appearances, and live radio broadcasts!)

In addition to having proven my mettle as a business person and leader, I am grateful to have been able to earn a Master’s in Educational Psychology from UGA (focus on gifted & creative education and creativity theory). I also hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in English & American literature (plus a double-minor in general education and French language) from NYU. I’ve also completed myriad business and leadership classes and am a huge proponent of lifelong learning (seriously: I love conferences).

On my LinkedIn profile, you’ll find details on awards, career highlights, and more. But here on this page, I wanted to highlight a few things I’m especially proud of.

  • In 2020, I was the “star” of a WebMD video focused on my story of living with migraine disease and my determination to live my best life despite my diagnosis. I’m so proud of the result–please check it out here.
  • In 2020, I started working with iHeartMedia/iHeartPodcasts as a literary contributor for one of their new podcasts, The Passenger, with celebrity chef and traveler Hugh Acheson. (Note: the podcast is on hiatus due to Covid-19, but it will relaunch once the dust settles. For now there are a few episodes available; you can hear me on the Montreal episode!)
  • This past holiday season, I was featured for the second time on NPR’s nationally syndicated show On Point.
  • In 2019, I had a guest spot for a third time on the Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) show On Second Thought, sharing reading recommendations during a live broadcast.
  • In 2020, Avid Bookshop was voted by Flagpole Magazine readers as Athens’ Favorite Local Business for the seventh (!) year in a row.
  • I delivered two commencement speeches in the space of less than two years: first, the keynote address at the University of Georgia’s English Department convocation in May 2018; second, the speech at UGA’s College of Education’s graduation ceremony in December 2019.
  • In 2018, Georgia Trend Magazine chose me as one of their 40 Under 40! I even got the chance to grace the cover of the magazine along with three inspiring leaders (all in the prime of their youth, like me!).
  • In March 2018, I was the last presenter to take the stage in front of 1500+ people at TEDxUGA. (I admit it: that time around, I was a little nervous!) You can watch here.
Photo, taken from a theatre balcony, shows a tiny Janet on the red round rug on the TEDxUGA stage. Behind her you can see a faint image of her on the video feed during the live event
Me on the TEDxUGA stage, March 2018. There were 1500+ people in attendance, including my family and many colleagues and friends. It was probably my biggest professional challenge to date!